Wednesday 28 September 2011

Stunning Facts About Human Body

The following are stunning facts about human body ;

1 - Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our ears and nose never stop growing.

2 - The strong contraction of your heart create enough pressure to squirt blood as far as 30 feet.

3 - The brain doesn't feel pain. Even though the brain processes pain signals, the brain itself does not actually feel pain.

4 - The surface area of a human lung is equal to a tennis court.

5 - In 30 minutes, the average body gives off enough heat (combined) to bring a half gallon of water to boil.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Scary Fact About USA Debt

The following are 5 Scary Facts About USA Debts ;

1 - As of December 1st, 2009, the official debt of the united States government was approximately 12.1 trillion dollars.

2 - The USA national debt on January 1st, 1971 was just 75 million dollars. Today, the USA national debt rises by that amount about once an hour.

3 - The USA government now borrows approximately 5 billion dollar every business day.

4 - The USA government's debt ceiling has been raised six times since the beginning of 2006.

5 - A trillion of USD10 bills, if they were taped end to end, would wrap around the globe more than 380 times. That amount of money would still not be enough to pay off the USA national debt.

Friday 23 September 2011

5 Amazing Fact About Earthquake

The following are 5 Amazingg Facts About Earthquake ;

1 - Earthquakes are defined as a vibration of the earth surface that occurs after a release of energy in the earth crust.

2 - 900,000 earthquakes are recorded every year but many are too small to be felt

3 - The most deadly earthquake was recorded in China in 1557. During this time many people lived in the mountains in artificial caves and the quake resulted in over 800,000 deaths.

4 - Most earthquake-related injuries result from collapsing walls, flying glass, and falling objects.

5 - 80% of earthquakes occur within the Circum-Pacific belt, or the Pacific Ring of Fire.

Thursday 22 September 2011

5 Fascinating Facts About Facebook

The following are 5 Interesting Facts About Facebook;

1 - Mark Zuckerburg (CEO of Facebook) calls himself a “Harvard Graduate” when in fact he didn’t graduate (apparently his reply is that “there isn’t a setting for dropout”)

2 - The average Facebook users spend more than 55 minutes a day on the site. They use the Like button nine times a month and write 25 comments each month.

3 - The first person to invest in Facebook was the cofounder of PayPal, Peter Thiel, who invested $500,000 in June 2004.

4 - Facebook was originally named TheFaceBook and it was developed by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg. The first use of the FaceBook was on the Harvard campus and it was limited only to Harvard students.

5 - People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are twice as active on Facebook than non-mobile users.

Thursday 8 September 2011

The following are 5 Interesting Facts About Abraham Lincoln;

1 - Lincoln was the first president to sport a beard; he began to grow his beard shortly after his election in 1860, when supporters and advisers suggested that facial hair would soften his somewhat harsh appearance.

2 - Lincoln only had 18 months of formal education. He loved reading and educated himself becoming first a lawyer and later president of the United States.

3 - He created a national banking system with the National Banking Act in 1863, resulting in a standardized currency.

4 - The Lincoln Bedroom was never a bedroom in Lincoln's time; it was an office where Lincoln met with cabinet members and signed the Emancipation Proclamation. The room still contains a few pieces of office furniture from Lincoln's time along with a handwritten copy of the Gettysburg Address.

5 - Lincoln, one week before his death, had a dream of someone crying in the White House, when he found the room; he looked in and asked who had passed away. The man in the room said the President. When he looked in the coffin it was his own face he saw.


Friday 19 August 2011

5 Interesting Facts About Google Plus (Google+)

The following are 5 Interesting Facts About Google Plus (Google+);

1 - In just one month, Google+ has captured 25 million visitors, making it the fastest site to reach such numbers

2 - Mark Zuckerberg (founder of Facebook) joined Google+ just after its launch and he has more followers than Larry Page (founder of Google), who currently has the second most followers on Google+.

3 - Rapidly after this super launch, on June 29th China afraid of the potential of this network they Blocked the site by a huge firewall system.

4 - With a Google+ account, you get unlimited photo storage on Picasa, instead of the 1GB storage you get without a Google+ account.

5 - July 16th is a very important day, because on this day the network becomes the 42nd most visited social networking site in the U.S., and 638th in the world.


Wednesday 17 August 2011

5 Fact About Girls

The following are 5 fact about girls,

1 - Girls have millions of things going on in their head even if they are quiet.

2 - Girls love to feel special, even though they might not show it

3 - When a girl says NO, it's a definite NO. So don't bother asking again and again.

4 - A girl who stays at home knows much more than a guy who is hanging out most of the day!

5 - When a guy says something really sentimental, girls will remember it forever

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